Who reads lit mags? Well, YOU, right? 

Engaging with literary magazines goes beyond just submitting to seek publication for your own creative writing. The core of lit mags used to be the readership. Now, readership is apparently in decline everywhere. Yet we all seek communities. This is our way to try and foster, nurture, and grow our ONLY POEMS reader and subscriber community. 

This new feature opens up the floor to our wonderful readers. Your thoughts and insights are invaluable to us. You can choose anything we have published so far, no matter how old or new, how long or short, and critically reflect on it. Select one poem by one poet or their entire portfolio, or perhaps something about a part of their interview resonated with you. Maybe you were inspired to ponder after reading a Poem of the Month. You can also draw parallels between multiple poems/poets we've published. It can be anything as long as the thoughts/criticism is original and the writing captivating.

Anyone who reads or has ever read anything we have published in any capacity is eligible to submit.

Craft your Reader Response as authentically as you like. Be creative, philosophical, academic, or be an antidisestablishmentarian -- whatever you prefer. Ultimately, this is not a creative submission (as a poem or a story might be), but a short opinion piece, essentially.

Only send one piece at a time. 300-750 words. 

We hope to make Readers Respond a regular feature on our website. The pieces we select will be published on our website and shared with our 13K+ subscribers. 

We will pay $22 per piece. 

Submit your Reader Response today and join the conversation!

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.