We want to read your best, weird & wild!


ALWAYS OPEN: 2-Week Fast Response (Fee: $10)


Winter: January 15-31 (Response in April)

Summer: July 15-31 (Response in October)


First week of every month with a different theme/form

Free to enter. 


Reading Period: March 1 - April 30

Winner: $3000

x4 Finalists: $500 each


Reading Period: September 21 - November 7

Winner: $1000

x4 Finalists: $250 each


Send us up to 10 pages of poetry.

We only accept previously uncurated work.  This means that yes — you can submit poems that have previously appeared across social media, blog posts, Discord channels, scribbled on your foggy bathroom mirror, etc. But if a poem has been published in a magazine or anthology edited by someone who’s not your mom, then no.

We encourage simultaneous submissions. Feel free to submit your work to all the wonderful places you think will be a good home for your poems. Do not withdraw your poems if they get accepted elsewhere — if we like your work, we’ll find a way to work with you.

If we have previously declined your submission, you can submit again whenever (we get it, we're unhinged poets too lol). 

Though our general response time is 3-4 months, in this category we'll respond within 2 weeks.

We offer $55 to all our published poets. This is per contribution and not per piece. 

Please submit one complete book review (no longer than 1000 words). 

The book can be published at any time. 

We like reviews for well-known works but love seeing forgotten or hidden gems re-excavated. 

As a poetry magazine, we, of course, want reviews of poetry collections, but feel free to send us reviews of works that are hybrid in nature, that cannot easily be classified as poetry or any other particular genre.

We pay $22 for selected book reviews.


Our reviews category has been bombarded by bots and androids. No, seriously, it's freakin' frustrating. Please note that it's quite easy to figure out if a review's been spewed out by ChatGPT. If you send us AI slop in the form of book reviews, we will reject it and any further submissions from you. Sorry, not sorry. 

✅ For all feedback options, we‘ll first review your package and cover letter to see if  we can adequately work with your style and provide you with the promised editorial feedback. If we feel we might not be able to serve your style and vision best, we will refund you the full feedback fee.
All poems are automatically considered for publication. If we decide to publish any part of your submission, we will refund you the full feedback fee. 
We strive to respond within 9 weeks. Sometimes, it might take a little longer. If it's been more than 12 weeks, we will provide you the feedback and also refund you the full feedback fee. 


1️⃣ Workshop

This feedback style is rooted in the MFA space. Focused on being highly constructive, we will excavate what is primarily working in your poems. This is not to say that we will not offer a critical reading to indicate what is not working and what needs further attention. Both are present in harmony. When compared with the "Merciless" option below, however, the Workshop style can be easier to digest and is recommended for newer poets looking for encouragement to chart a positive path forward in their poetic journey.

2️⃣ Merciless (No getting mad, please)

Hopefully, the name says it all, but here’s more of a breakdown.

The nature of this feedback will not follow the traditional MFA-workshop style. If you have more questions about the differences, then please do reach out to us via email and we’ll be happy to chat.

We do want to make it clear that this Editorial Feedback tier is, as “advertised”,  merciless and brutally honest. Please, don‘t get mad at us. We care about poetry. We’ll do our best to help you improve yours.



Please select which tier of editorial feedback you’d like to receive below. Everything we make from offering our editorial services goes right back into running ONLY POEMS.

We prefer 13-point EB Garamond and 1.15 line spacing. If you are submitting prose poems (which, we repeat, we love) please justify your paragraphs. If you are unable to use our preferred formatting because of technical reasons, that is totally fine.



The people reviewing your work will be either Founding Editor Shannan Mann or Editor-in-Chief Karan Kapoor, depending on whose sensibility best matches your poetry.

Here are our bios:

Shannan Mann has been awarded or placed for the Palette Love & Eros Prize, Rattle Poetry Prize, Auburn Witness Prize, Foster Poetry Prize, Peatsmoke Summer Contest and Pacific Spirit Poetry Prize among others. Her poems appear in Poetry Daily, Black Warrior Review, Poet Lore, Gulf Coast, The Literary Review of Canada, EPOCH, december, & elsewhere. She is the Poet Laureate’s pick for Exile. Her essays appear in Tolka Journal & Going Down Swinging and have been awarded the Alta Lind Cook Prize and the Irene Adler Essay Prize. She also translates Sanskrit poetry. Having worked as an editor and educator for nearly a decade, she now raises her baby, studies, writes, and runs this magazine.

Karan Kapoor is an MFA candidate at Virginia Tech. Originally from New Delhi, they have many years of experience in publishing, design, and editing. A finalist for the Diode, Tusculum Review, and Iron Horse Literary Review chapbook prizes, their poems appear in AGNI, Shenandoah, Colorado Review, Cincinnati Review, North American Review, The Margins, Rattle and elsewhere. Their poetry has been honored with the Red Wheelbarrow Prize, James Hearst Poetry Prize, and Bellevue Literary Review Poetry Prize, and more. Their fiction appears in JOYLAND and the other side of hope, and translations in The Offing and The Los Angeles Review.

We look forward to working with you!